amputee = a person who has had an arm or leg cut off
amputee /ˌæm.pjʊˈtiː/
Amputation is the removal of a body extremity by trauma or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is used to control pain or a disease process in the affected limb, such as malignancy or gangrene. In some cases, it is carried out on individuals as a preventative surgery for such problems.
A special case is the congenital amputation, a congenital disorder, where foetal limbs have been cut off by constrictive bands.
In some countries, amputation of the hands or feet is or was used as a form of punishment for people who committed crimes.
Amputation has also been used as a tactic in war and acts of terrorism.
In some cultures and religions, minor amputations or mutilations are considered a ritual accomplishment.
Unlike some non-mammalian animals (such as lizards that shed their tails), once removed, human extremities do not grow back. A transplant or a prosthesis are the only options for recovering the loss.
Amputee cat gets bionic legs
cat which lost both back paws after a traumatic accident involving a combine harvester has regained a spring in its step after being fitted with prosthetic limbs.
In a groundbreaking surgery carried out by Noel Fitzpatrick, a Surrey-based veterinary surgeon, the custom-made implants "peg" the ankle to Oscar's foot and mimic the way in which deer antler bone grows through skin.
The prosthetic legs, called intraosseous transcutaneous amputation prosthetics (Itaps) were developed by a team from University College London, led by Professor Gordon Blunn.
"The real revolution with Oscar is [that] we have put a piece of metal and a flange into which skin grows into an extremely tight bone," Fitzpatrick said of the operation which took place last November.
"We have managed to get the bone and skin to grow into the implant and we have developed an 'exoprosthesis' that allows this implant to work as a see-saw on the bottom of an animal's limbs to give him effectively normal gait," he added.
The veterinary surgical team took three hours to insert the pegs by drilling into one of the cat's ankle bones in each of the back legs.
The Itap technology has already been used to create a prosthetic for a woman who lost her arm in the July 2005 London bombings.
Oscar's recovery will feature as part of a six-part BBC One documentary series, The Bionic Vet, starting later this month.
a new word:
amputee = a person who has had an arm or leg cut off
bionic = using artificial materials and methods to produce especially a human activity or movement
paws = the foot of an animal which has claws or nails, such as a cat, dog or bear
tramutic = mIf an experience is traumatic, it causes you severe emotional shock and upset
combine harvester = a large farming machine which cuts the plant, separates the seed from the stem and cleans the grain as it moves across a field
flange = a flat surface sticking out from an object, which is used to fix it to something or to make it stronger
implant = an organ, group of cells, or device that has been put into the body in a medical operation
see-saw = a long board that children play on
gait = a particular way to walk
a prosthetic = an artificial body part, such as an arm, foot or tooth, which replaces a missing part
= When people or animals shiver, they shake slightly because they feel cold, ill or frightened
my Feeling:
I was shivering on the street of Beijing on December. very cold!!
Shivering is a bodily function in response to early hypothermia in warm-blooded animals. When the core body temperature drops, the shivering reflex is triggered to maintain homeostasis. Muscle groups around the vital organs begin to shake in small movements in an attempt to create warmth by expending energy. Shivering can also be a response to a fever, as a person may feel cold, though their core temperature is already elevated.
10 Quickest Ways To Turn A Guy Off user
by StyleCaster, on Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:30am PDT 119 Comments Post a Comment Read More from This Author » Report Abuse How To Turn Your Boyfriend Into A Fiancé
Summer should be a hotbed of sexy singles, so why are you striking out? Could it be one of these 10 reasons...
1. Changing your relationship status on Facebook after the first date
I am not lying when I tell you – this has happened to me. The first date went well (we were all over each other) and we definitely drank more than our fair share of wine. I was definitely excited for the next date. Next day, I got a very interesting notification in my mini-feed saying “Sharon is no longer single.” I didn’t call her for that second date…
2. Only ordering salads when we go out on dates
Don’t be that girl! You’re not a rabbit – you’re a human. By all means, order a salad as your starter, but there is nothing sexier than a woman who knows how to chow down. I’m not telling you lick your fingers clean at the end of your meal, I’m just telling you to eat like a normal person! A girl who has eating issues is a red flag, and something that we’d rather not get involved with.
Bag a Man With These Tips From a Real Matchmaker!
4. Career-Obsessed
Nothing sucks the excitement out of a relationship more quickly than when I’m wining and dining my lady and she whips out her iPhone so she can promptly answer emails from her boss. I’m all for a woman who works hard and enjoys what she does, but there’s a time and place for it – and it’s not when I’m trying to look into her eyes over a candlelit dinner.
Don’t resort to a baby voice to try and get something you want out of us. I’m not dating a 5-year-old, but a mature woman. Sometimes little girls use this tactic when they want extra spending cash at the mall. I’m not your dad. If you are missing something from me in a relationship, tell me in your real voice and be confident – don’t cover it up because you’re scared about what my answer might be.
7. Deodorant issues
Of course you look stunning in your little black dress, and I certainly appreciate your classic choice…BUT, before you leave the house, make sure your deodorant hasn’t rubbed off on your sleeves. There is nothing worse than being distracted by a girl’s pits. Also, those accumulated clumps of deodorant on your underarms. I know it’s hard to prevent, but be mindful of it before you leave the house!
8. Don’ talk about your problems
deodorant = a substance that you put on your body to prevent or hide unpleasant smells
dote on = to love someone completely and believe they are perfect
reciprocate = formal to share the same feelings as someone else, or to behave in the same way as someone else
Summer should be a hotbed of sexy singles, so why are you striking out? Could it be one of these 10 reasons...
1. Changing your relationship status on Facebook after the first date
I am not lying when I tell you – this has happened to me. The first date went well (we were all over each other) and we definitely drank more than our fair share of wine. I was definitely excited for the next date. Next day, I got a very interesting notification in my mini-feed saying “Sharon is no longer single.” I didn’t call her for that second date…
2. Only ordering salads when we go out on dates
Don’t be that girl! You’re not a rabbit – you’re a human. By all means, order a salad as your starter, but there is nothing sexier than a woman who knows how to chow down. I’m not telling you lick your fingers clean at the end of your meal, I’m just telling you to eat like a normal person! A girl who has eating issues is a red flag, and something that we’d rather not get involved with.
3. Bad manicure (or lack thereof)
I’m going to go ahead and say that it’s worth it to spring for a pampering session. Though you might think we don’t notice, chipped nail polish or chewed down nails can be a quick turn-off. It tells us that you don’t care. I was on a date with a girl who seemed to have given herself a manicure while driving on a bumpy road. I mean…really?! I don’t mean to be “that guy,” but it just wasn’t cute.
Bag a Man With These Tips From a Real Matchmaker!
4. Career-Obsessed
Nothing sucks the excitement out of a relationship more quickly than when I’m wining and dining my lady and she whips out her iPhone so she can promptly answer emails from her boss. I’m all for a woman who works hard and enjoys what she does, but there’s a time and place for it – and it’s not when I’m trying to look into her eyes over a candlelit dinner.
5. Body hair
Men are bestial creatures. We’ve been hairy since adolescence and are forced to shave every morning if we don’t want to look like a hobo. One of the most refreshing things about a woman is how smooth she is. Don’t ruin this fantasy for us. Shave your legs and underarms. Take care of any awkward facial hair you may have. And groom your nether regions!
6. Baby-talk
7. Deodorant issues
Of course you look stunning in your little black dress, and I certainly appreciate your classic choice…BUT, before you leave the house, make sure your deodorant hasn’t rubbed off on your sleeves. There is nothing worse than being distracted by a girl’s pits. Also, those accumulated clumps of deodorant on your underarms. I know it’s hard to prevent, but be mindful of it before you leave the house!
8. Don’ talk about your problems
Everybody has them – it’s just part of the human condition. Save it. Don’t dote on them and make them the only topic of conversation, seeking my advice or approval. If you’re having problems with your family, your ex, your hygiene…it’s just kind of a deal breaker. I’m out with you and trying to get to know the best you possible, so bringing unpleasant skeletons out of your closet leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
9. Don’t forget your manners
One of my main rules as a man is classic chivalry. If I invite a woman out for dinner or drinks, I always pay – pull out her chair, and help her with her coat. It’s how I was raised. Don’t forget to say a simple “thank you.” It lets me know that you were raised with good manners, and that you appreciate me. When a woman feels entitled to any sort of special treatment, it tells me that she is just a mean-spirited person. Manners are a must!
10. Only talk about yourself
Don’t forget that there are two people in a conversation. I listened so I could score a first date, and because I was generally interested. Once you’re out on a date, I want to know that you’re also interested in getting to know more about me. Sometimes in the nervousness of the moment, it’s easy to forget to reciprocate questions. Be mindful of it.
a red flag = a flag used as a sign of danger
bestial = cruel or like an animal
deodorant = a substance that you put on your body to prevent or hide unpleasant smells
dote on = to love someone completely and believe they are perfect
reciprocate = formal to share the same feelings as someone else, or to behave in the same way as someone else
Job hunting
I search a new job every year but I find it difficut to find a new job. I don't know what i am doing wrong in the first interview. I haven't gone into the second interview actually. I feel very disapporinted becuase also fail the interview.
In the following is what I can do for my interview:
I have to prepare the answer of possbile questions
I have recorded the evidence I need to show up for the interviewer.
In the following is what I can do for my interview:
I have to prepare the answer of possbile questions
I have recorded the evidence I need to show up for the interviewer.
"I said no!" The real reason kids don't listen
It's always nice when a smarty pants scientist "discovers" an explanation to some frustrating or bizarre toddler behavior. Stuff like why they refuse to nap even though they are tired, or why they think it's okay to eat a month-old waffle from under their car seat, or, in this particular case, why they just don't listen to anything we say (over and over and over again infinity).
Like this morning:
"Aidan, put on your coat. It's cold out."
"Carolyn, please stop playing with your baby and go potty."
"Aidan, the coat. Now, please. We're late." (Me forcing him into his coat.)
"Carolyn, did you go potty yet? Put the doll down and ..." (Me dragging her into the potty.)
Now, researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder say my children are not intentionally trying to push me over the edge. What they are really doing when I think they are blatantly ignoring me is taking all my directions, helpful suggestions, and words of wisdom and filing them away in their little monkey brains until later. A lot later. Like age 13. Okay, maybe not that much later, but you get the point.
See, toddler brains don't work the way adult brains do. They can't take data from the present and use it proactively for the future. So, tiny kids neither plan for the future nor live completely in the present. Instead, they call up the past as they need it.
The example that the researcher gave was similar to what happened this morning with the winter coat and my 5 year old.
"Let's say it's cold outside and you tell your 3 year old to go get his jacket out of his bedroom and get ready to go outside," the researcher says. "You might expect the child to plan for the future, think 'okay it's cold outside so the jacket will keep me warm'." But what we suggest is that this isn't what goes on in a 3-year-old's brain. Rather, they run outside, discover that it is cold, and then retrieve the memory of where their jacket is, and then they go get it."
A better way to reason with a toddler with selective hearing?
"Somehow try to trigger this reactive function," the (obviously childless) researcher suggests. "Don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."
I had to try this new approach, but I'm using a hot stove instead of a coat. Let's see if it works ...
"Aidan, please get your hand away from the hot, gas flame."
"Aidan, I know you don't want to take your hand away from the hot, gas flame, but when your hand catches fire and you get third-degree burns and I have to rush you to the hospital for four months of skin grafts, remember that Mommy told you that you should have kept your hand away from the flame. Ooops. See! Well, maybe you'll remember to trigger your reactive function next time."
Somehow, I think I'll stick to my old method and let my kids continue to ignore me.
Would this method work for you? C'mon, really?
Written by Cynthia Dermody on CafeMom.com
bizarre = very strange and unusual
toddler a young child, especially one who is learning or has recently learned to walk
shivering = When people or animals shiver, they shake slightly because they feel cold, ill or frightened
Like this morning:
"Aidan, put on your coat. It's cold out."
"Carolyn, please stop playing with your baby and go potty."
"Aidan, the coat. Now, please. We're late." (Me forcing him into his coat.)
"Carolyn, did you go potty yet? Put the doll down and ..." (Me dragging her into the potty.)
Now, researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder say my children are not intentionally trying to push me over the edge. What they are really doing when I think they are blatantly ignoring me is taking all my directions, helpful suggestions, and words of wisdom and filing them away in their little monkey brains until later. A lot later. Like age 13. Okay, maybe not that much later, but you get the point.
See, toddler brains don't work the way adult brains do. They can't take data from the present and use it proactively for the future. So, tiny kids neither plan for the future nor live completely in the present. Instead, they call up the past as they need it.
The example that the researcher gave was similar to what happened this morning with the winter coat and my 5 year old.
"Let's say it's cold outside and you tell your 3 year old to go get his jacket out of his bedroom and get ready to go outside," the researcher says. "You might expect the child to plan for the future, think 'okay it's cold outside so the jacket will keep me warm'." But what we suggest is that this isn't what goes on in a 3-year-old's brain. Rather, they run outside, discover that it is cold, and then retrieve the memory of where their jacket is, and then they go get it."
A better way to reason with a toddler with selective hearing?
"Somehow try to trigger this reactive function," the (obviously childless) researcher suggests. "Don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."
I had to try this new approach, but I'm using a hot stove instead of a coat. Let's see if it works ...
"Aidan, please get your hand away from the hot, gas flame."
"Aidan, I know you don't want to take your hand away from the hot, gas flame, but when your hand catches fire and you get third-degree burns and I have to rush you to the hospital for four months of skin grafts, remember that Mommy told you that you should have kept your hand away from the flame. Ooops. See! Well, maybe you'll remember to trigger your reactive function next time."
Somehow, I think I'll stick to my old method and let my kids continue to ignore me.
Would this method work for you? C'mon, really?
Written by Cynthia Dermody on CafeMom.com
bizarre = very strange and unusual
toddler a young child, especially one who is learning or has recently learned to walk
shivering = When people or animals shiver, they shake slightly because they feel cold, ill or frightened
Renewal profits go through roof with flats boom
Patsy Moy Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Urban Renewal Authority profits hit a record high of HK$6.9 billion at the end of March, amid the property boom.
Most of it came from the authority's three major projects in Lee Tung Street in Wan Chai, Yee Kuk Street in Sham Shui Po and Yuet Wah Street in Kwun Tong.
Chairman Barry Cheung Chun-yuen attributed the rise to last year's property boom, adding that this year's bottom line is unlikely to break the record.
Cheung also did not rule out the URA issuing bonds in future, though it does not have an immediate plan to do so.
It will invite tenders this year for its two smaller development projects in Yu Lok Lane in Western and Fuk Tsun Street/Pine Street in Tai Kok Tsui.
Cheung believes the two projects will appeal to small developers.
These will provide 350 flats, most of them less than 500 square feet.
In the next 18 months, the URA will supply more than 1,000 mostly small- sized flats of no more than 600 square feet to meet housing demand, especially from first-time buyers.
The URA was established in May 2001 with a HK$10 billion injection from the government, replacing the Land Development Corporation. It enjoys land premium exemptions for its projects.
Cheung admitted the authority would not have enjoyed such a handsome profit without the premium exemptions.
Also at yesterday's URA press conference, deputy secretary for development Tommy Yuen Man-chung said the government has no timetable for the authority to repay the HK$10 billion even though it is making a profit.
The government also has no plans to revoke the premium exemptions.
Meanwhile, the Development Bureau will submit a paper to the Legislative Council on Tuesday about a new round of funding for its "Operation Building Bright" scheme. The plan was launched in 2008 to subsidize the repair of buildings 50 years and older to create jobs in the market at the height of the financial tsunami.
tender noun ( OFFER )
/ˈten.dər//-dɚ/ n [C]
• a written or formal offer to supply goods or do a job for an agreed price
Urban Renewal Authority profits hit a record high of HK$6.9 billion at the end of March, amid the property boom.
Most of it came from the authority's three major projects in Lee Tung Street in Wan Chai, Yee Kuk Street in Sham Shui Po and Yuet Wah Street in Kwun Tong.
Chairman Barry Cheung Chun-yuen attributed the rise to last year's property boom, adding that this year's bottom line is unlikely to break the record.
Cheung also did not rule out the URA issuing bonds in future, though it does not have an immediate plan to do so.
It will invite tenders this year for its two smaller development projects in Yu Lok Lane in Western and Fuk Tsun Street/Pine Street in Tai Kok Tsui.
Cheung believes the two projects will appeal to small developers.
These will provide 350 flats, most of them less than 500 square feet.
In the next 18 months, the URA will supply more than 1,000 mostly small- sized flats of no more than 600 square feet to meet housing demand, especially from first-time buyers.
The URA was established in May 2001 with a HK$10 billion injection from the government, replacing the Land Development Corporation. It enjoys land premium exemptions for its projects.
Cheung admitted the authority would not have enjoyed such a handsome profit without the premium exemptions.
Also at yesterday's URA press conference, deputy secretary for development Tommy Yuen Man-chung said the government has no timetable for the authority to repay the HK$10 billion even though it is making a profit.
The government also has no plans to revoke the premium exemptions.
Meanwhile, the Development Bureau will submit a paper to the Legislative Council on Tuesday about a new round of funding for its "Operation Building Bright" scheme. The plan was launched in 2008 to subsidize the repair of buildings 50 years and older to create jobs in the market at the height of the financial tsunami.
tender noun ( OFFER )
/ˈten.dər//-dɚ/ n [C]
• a written or formal offer to supply goods or do a job for an agreed price
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