【明報專訊】GREECE, the epicentre of the debt crisis Europe saw three years ago, has again drawn European and global attention. Because the parties having seats in its legislature have failed to elect a president, its government must go to the country. The results of the general election will come out on January 25. However, because the Greek legislature has had difficulty electing a president, the jitters have plunged the euro to a nine-year low. Syriza, which advocates lifting austerity measures, has done quite well in opinion polls. The Europeans have come to be worried that, if Syriza comes to power, Greece may abandon its austerity measures and eventually leave the eurozone. When the first domino topples, the "great Europe" dream will fall through, and a grave economic crisis will come.It must be pointed out that it rests with the Greek people to determine their country's fate. How Greece may fare is in their hands. Greece's departure from the eurozone may not matter much because the country accounts only for a mere 2% of its total GDP. However, it may bring about a chain effect. That is a real economic worry of Europe and the world, for, if a precedent is set, Portugal, whose economy was in difficulty like Greece's, may follow suit. What may become of Spain and Italy then is the key issue. Of the four European "economic invalids", Italy, a member of the Group of 7, is the weightiest. And Spain is not to be made light of. Both have been reported to intend to leave the eurozone. In such an event, the eurozone will exist in name only.
It concerns not just one country or region for a major currency zone to collapse. Money flowing in it, the world is in trouble when the eurozone is in trouble. In analysts' eyes, Greece's departure from the eurozone is already "inevitable". Therefore, Germany, a leading member of the eurozone, has been making adequate preparations. In particular, it has given it out that it can absorb the blow. Even so, Germany must adapt itself. The reason is that, if Greece leaves the eurozone, the economic losses the German taxpayer alone will sustain may amount to 80 billion euros. The "big Europe" dream the country has been trying to build up over the years will receive a severe blow and may even collapse.
According to the above, a crisis may arise not so much because the "economic Europe" may receive a blow as because the future of the "political Europe" may be clouded. The "political Europe" has come of the currents of the 1960s, when West European countries sought to rely on themselves instead of the US. Because of the reunification of West Germany and East Germany in 1990, the "political Europe" has had higher expectations of itself. The episode culminated in the establishment of the eurozone. However, as they have different aims, eurozone members are strange bedfellows. Disparities in national strength and progress have led to other problems. It is mainly Germany that has maintained the whole situation.
One may say this year is crucial to Europe. Not only may it see the eurozone disintegrate, but it will also see general elections in many European countries, including the UK, Spain, Portugal, Finland and Denmark. Eurozone membership will figure prominently in those elections. In particular, David Cameron, prime minister of the UK, the bellwether, has said the country should consider leaving the European Union. That may deal a severe blow to European stability. Europe is not exactly in the midst of a raging storm. However, that it is in deep trouble is beyond dispute.
明報社評2015.01.12﹕希臘政局衝擊歐元區 歐洲夢將醒牽動全球
go to the country﹕hold an election to choose a new parliament
invalid﹕person enfeebled or disabled by illness or injury
bellwether﹕one that takes the lead or initiative