【明報專訊】THE SECOND ROUND of consultation on constitutional reform is about to begin. However, in the wake of the Occupy movement, which lasted over two months, many are pessimistic about electing the Chief Executive (CE) by universal suffrage in 2017.
The storm over constitutional reform started brewing醞釀 in early 2013, when society began to discuss the issue. It has now brought turbulence to our city. In retrospect(仔細檢視), the political storm actually arose from interactions between the radicals and the moderates. It is neither advisable nor proper for the government to speculate how the various camps will fare relative to one another. It should bear two things in mind regarding the second round of consultation: (1) that it is its bounden(義不容辭)duty to put forward a constitutional reform proposal and see that it will go through the Legislative Council so that the CE will be elected by universal suffrage; and (2) that it has a duty to guide citizens through the discussion of maximising democracy within the framework of the August 31 decision. As long as it has done its part, the government will not be to blame even if its constitutional reform proposal is rejected.
in retrospect /ˈret.rəʊ.spekt/ thinking now about something in the past
Then comes the question of what should be consulted about. Commenting on arrangements for electing the CE by universal suffrage, Zhang Xiaoming, director of the central government's liaison office in Hong Kong, raised the "double approval" idea, saying they must meet with the approval of both the central government and the Hong Kong people. No doubt the National People's Congress Standing Committee's August 31 decision meets with the approval of the central government. The question that remains is what arrangements will meet with the approval of the Hong Kong people. It follows that Hong Kong people's approval can be won if proper arrangements are made regarding the composition and operation of the nominating committee and the functions of citizens' votes.The August 31 decision may not bring about the most democratic possible method of electing the CE by universal suffrage. However, through in-depth discussion of the matter, it is still possible to have a second-best method that allows a choice and a high level of competition. The pan-democrats' position is at odds(落差) with the findings of many surveys, which show citizens who think the August 31 framework should be adopted outnumber those who think it should be rejected. The government may, in the second round of consultation, suggests ways of increasing democracy and explores the possibility of introducing an electoral method by which pro-establishment and pro-democracy politicians are "bundled" together or one by which citizens can "keep the last gate". If the government does so but the pan-democrats insist on boycotting the consultation and rejecting the government's constitutional reform proposal, they cannot but face the question of citizens' impression of them.
There are other questions the pan-democrats have to consider. Should a proposal be rejected wholesale(全盤) just because it does not directly lead to their goal? If the August 31 decision is adopted, the number of the enfranchised(選舉權) will increase from 1,200 to over 5 million. Will such a sharp increase in the number of voters not lead to a qualitative change? Who can determine the outcome of such an election? Furthermore, will the pan-democrats fare better if they, instead of playing the role of street protesters, play the political game permissible under the August 31 decision, become part of the establishment, gain power and actually take part in the administration of the city? Will they then be better able to promote the cause of democracy? These are questions the pan-democrats ought to consider.
明報社評2015.01.02﹕政府推政改勿放軟手腳 泛民應再思考原則立場
bounden﹕a responsibility that cannot be ignored
be to blame﹕be responsible for something bad
Example written:
In retrospect, I should take the major of Accounting instead of the major of Economics as with the accounting degree, I can have a wider career path.
The storm over the education reform started brewing after 2000.
It brought turbulence to our teenagers if no other methods are used.
in the wake of advancement in technology, we can download the music everywhere without any curbs.
The storm over constitutional reform started brewing醞釀 in early 2013, when society began to discuss the issue. It has now brought turbulence to our city. In retrospect(仔細檢視), the political storm actually arose from interactions between the radicals and the moderates. It is neither advisable nor proper for the government to speculate how the various camps will fare relative to one another. It should bear two things in mind regarding the second round of consultation: (1) that it is its bounden(義不容辭)duty to put forward a constitutional reform proposal and see that it will go through the Legislative Council so that the CE will be elected by universal suffrage; and (2) that it has a duty to guide citizens through the discussion of maximising democracy within the framework of the August 31 decision. As long as it has done its part, the government will not be to blame even if its constitutional reform proposal is rejected.
in retrospect /ˈret.rəʊ.spekt/ thinking now about something in the past
Then comes the question of what should be consulted about. Commenting on arrangements for electing the CE by universal suffrage, Zhang Xiaoming, director of the central government's liaison office in Hong Kong, raised the "double approval" idea, saying they must meet with the approval of both the central government and the Hong Kong people. No doubt the National People's Congress Standing Committee's August 31 decision meets with the approval of the central government. The question that remains is what arrangements will meet with the approval of the Hong Kong people. It follows that Hong Kong people's approval can be won if proper arrangements are made regarding the composition and operation of the nominating committee and the functions of citizens' votes.The August 31 decision may not bring about the most democratic possible method of electing the CE by universal suffrage. However, through in-depth discussion of the matter, it is still possible to have a second-best method that allows a choice and a high level of competition. The pan-democrats' position is at odds(落差) with the findings of many surveys, which show citizens who think the August 31 framework should be adopted outnumber those who think it should be rejected. The government may, in the second round of consultation, suggests ways of increasing democracy and explores the possibility of introducing an electoral method by which pro-establishment and pro-democracy politicians are "bundled" together or one by which citizens can "keep the last gate". If the government does so but the pan-democrats insist on boycotting the consultation and rejecting the government's constitutional reform proposal, they cannot but face the question of citizens' impression of them.
There are other questions the pan-democrats have to consider. Should a proposal be rejected wholesale(全盤) just because it does not directly lead to their goal? If the August 31 decision is adopted, the number of the enfranchised(選舉權) will increase from 1,200 to over 5 million. Will such a sharp increase in the number of voters not lead to a qualitative change? Who can determine the outcome of such an election? Furthermore, will the pan-democrats fare better if they, instead of playing the role of street protesters, play the political game permissible under the August 31 decision, become part of the establishment, gain power and actually take part in the administration of the city? Will they then be better able to promote the cause of democracy? These are questions the pan-democrats ought to consider.
明報社評2015.01.02﹕政府推政改勿放軟手腳 泛民應再思考原則立場
bounden﹕a responsibility that cannot be ignored
be to blame﹕be responsible for something bad
Example written:
In retrospect, I should take the major of Accounting instead of the major of Economics as with the accounting degree, I can have a wider career path.
The storm over the education reform started brewing after 2000.
It brought turbulence to our teenagers if no other methods are used.
in the wake of advancement in technology, we can download the music everywhere without any curbs.