
Who has the last word on hk affairs?

【明報專訊】AT a seminar held in Beijing, Chen Zuo'er, chairman of the National Association of Study on Hong Kong and Macau, said that, since the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR, a considerable portion of young people had been lacking in national and civic awareness, which showed there were problems with Hong Kong's education front.

Front: particular area of activity
Example: There are problems in the environmental front as there are many pollution in Hong Kong.

The association has pinpointed Hong Kong's young people and its education system as the main problems exposed by the Occupy movement. Such findings display to a large extent the association's good grasp of the root cause of the Occupy movement, though it has omitted to mention it was triggered by the controversy over constitutional reform. In the wake of the Occupy movement, it is reasonable to think that young people, given what they did during the protests, do not know our country enough or understand the Basic Law correctly and suggest that more should be done to educate them (e.g. by promoting national education, enhancing their knowledge of and sense of belonging to our country, promoting a correct understanding of the Basic Law and even stepping up decolonisation education), though it is another matter whether such measures are the right or efficacious cures.

pinpointed: to discover or describe the exact facts about something

But at the seminar, Chen lashed out at education in Hong Kong and asked a string of rhetorical questions: Were the country's sovereignty, security and development interests taken into account in developing curricula and making policies of school administration? Why did chaos reign in Hong Kong's education front during the Occupy protests, which were illegal? Why are young people, who merely began learning to talk when Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty, are at the forefront of the storming of the Legco Complex and the government headquarters? Chen went on to suggest, "Does this not have to do with the incompatibility between the authorities' ideas of education and the constitution of China, the 'one country, two systems' policy and the Basic Law, all of which have been brought into force?" By answering the questions he himself had asked, Chen showed he had already formed his own opinion.

lashed out:
 /læʃ/  to suddenly criticise them in an angry way
reign: /reɪn/to be the main feeling or quality in a situation or person

Chen's comments on Hong Kong's Secretary for Education and the problems with Hong Kong's education system point to a question: Who has the last word on Hong Kong affairs? Deng Xiaoping was perfectly aware that the bureaucracy on the mainland was such that mainland officials would never hesitate to wield and manipulate power. He knew that if every leader directly gave Hong Kong his instructions, views or ideas on Hong Kong affairs, it would not know whom to listen to. Hence Deng made it clear who had the last word on Hong Kong affairs. Given recent developments and especially what happened in relation to the Occupy movement, Deng's clear-cut rule once again demonstrates his great foresight and profound wisdom in dealing with the question of Hong Kong.

wield and manipulate power /wiːldto have a lot of influence or power over other people

There is now a need to examine whether the central government should restore the "who has the last word" mechanism regarding its handling of Hong Kong affairs. Take Chen's public comments on Hong Kong's Secretary for Education and the problems with its education system. If another mainland official comments on another principal Hong Kong official regarding Hong Kong affairs, what should he, the Chief Executive and the SAR government do? Should they take his comments seriously or ignore them? An outsider may think they will feel perplexed.

perplexed/pəˈpleks/ to confuse and worry someone slightly by being difficult tounderstand or solve

明報社評2015.01.09﹕香港事務誰說了算 應研議是否再界定







efficacious﹕producing or sure to produce the desire effect

lash﹕criticise in an angry way

perplexed﹕confused and anxious because you are unable to understand something

